When I first connected with Katie I was trying to start a second business, coaching, from scratch. However, as this was the first time I'd done any business myself, I was feeling pretty nervous and unsure about what area I needed to focus on. I was also in a state of moving on from a breakup and feeling a little less confident and lost. Starting a business seemed overwhelming to me - I'd heard about being on a few different platforms, and had weighed that Youtube would likely drive me good traffic. However, I was completely new to it, had nothing prepared and hadn't really been visibly on social media a lot. I was also trying to figure out how to start a business and what client I wanted to attract.
When I started coaching with Katie I was a little nervous but once we got started, I was really excited! I'm really used to friends being supportive and I tend to shy away from people who chase me up on my actions. I tend to get a little rebellious if that follow up is pushy, but Katie wasn't at all. We were really clear on finding out what I wanted / needed as first steps for my business, and then moving from there. I was so happy that I was able to accomplish what I'd set out to do with my YouTube channel. I set a launch date for my channel and posted 4 videos in my first month.
While I definitely had big roadbumps along the way, I was really happy to have Katie's support and understanding during my time. In the very beginning, I was very afraid of showing up on social media. But over time, it's now something I face head-on, and enjoy, as I feel I am able to connect more deeply with my clients this way. I also realised that I am my worst enemy at times with the negative talk, but listing out my own accomplishments and milestones has greatly helped with forward momentum. Imposter syndrome shows up less, and I realise that I am able to share my message to the right people, I just needed to trust the process as Katie has said before, and trust myself too.